Every Friday at 7:00 PM EST
(with an encore at 5:30pm on Sundays)
The internationally-known “King of Polka” and 18 time Grammy award winner for “Best Polka Album” kicks off a new season of episodes for polka lovers across the country. Arguably the most popular polka band in America, Jimmy Sturr and his orchestra have been voted #1 polka band in the country for the past ten years, have been featured on the TV show "Jeopardy," and performed on The Grand Ole Opry. Sturr has also shared the studio with musical greats such as Arlo Guthrie, Willie Nelson, Boots Randolph, and Bela Fleck to name a few. “The Jimmy Sturr Orchestra” has been seen on Saturday Night Live, PBS, CNN, ABC, and CBS, and BMI awarded him their prestigious Commendation of Excellence in 2011. "The Jimmy Sturr Show" can also be heard on RURAL RADIO Channel 147 on SiriusXM Radio, weekends on Saturdays at 6 p.m. ET and Sundays at 11:30 a.m. ET. Get the full schedule at rfdtv.com.

Here are the schedule dates and guest Stars for each show.
September 1st and 3 rd Matt and Elaine, Doug Ferony and Dick Tady
September 8 th and 10 th The Calhouns, Dick Tady, Matt and Elaine
September 15 th and 17 th Chris Caffery and Olivia Millerschin
September 22 nd and 24 th Bobby Vinton Tribute, Dick Tady
September 29 th and October 1 st Larry Chance and The Earls, The Pokolenie Dancers
October 6 th and 8 th Chris Caffery and Matt and Elaine
October 13 th and 15 th Dick Tady, The Calhouns, Mat and Elaine, The Pokolenie Dancers
October 20 th and 22 nd Kathy Rocco, The Pokolenie Dancers
October 27 th and 29 th Die Schlauberger , The Calhouns
November 3rd and 5 th Die Schlauberger
November 10 th and 12 th Jermain Paul winner of the Voice, Matt and Elaine, Dick Tady, Jimmy Sturr
November 17 th and 19 th Die Schlauberger, Andy Cooney
November 24 th and 26 show taped in Wilkes Barre PA
December 1 st and 3 rd The All new Jimmy Sturr Christmas Show with Andy Cooney, Jermaine Paul, Matt
and Elaine, The Jimmy Sturr Singers
December 8 th and 10 th The Wilkes Barre Xmas Show
December 15 th and 17 th The All new Jimmy Sturr Christmas Show with Andy Cooney, Jermaine Paul, Matt
and Elaine, The Jimmy Sturr Singers
December 22 nd and 24 th The Branson Xmas Show
December 29 th and 31 st A show Taped in Wilkes barre
January 5 th and 7th The 1 st show taped in Paramount theatre Middletown, NY
Throughout of these new shows Jimmy will feature many members of Jimmy Sturr Orchestra, The Jimmy
Sturr Singers along with the MC Keith Stras